By Roger Hamilton, CEO and Founder of The Genius Group

By now, everyone is aware of how transformative ChatGPT AI will be across various industries and the benefits it poses for businesses, employees and CEOs alike. Many innovators are now questioning the next step for AI. Industry trends are currently suggesting that enhanced personalisation in ChatGPT will be the next step. There are several reasons why personalisation will be valuable for ChatGPT as AI develops to be able to learn users’ interests, hobbies, and conversational preferences.

While AIs such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT offer many benefits and services for users, personalisation options are able to take AI to the next level. By utilising tailored user experience, based on users’ preferences, interests and needs, personalised AI services will be able to give users the most relevant and engaging experience. If users feel like their AI experience is less generalized, it creates enhanced engagement as they feel that the information is more relevant and catered to them. Several AI services are already utilising this. Writesonic’s AI chatbot ChatSonic utilises GPT-4 by making the AI bot recall past conversations and adapting future chats to match the user’s tone, making the conversations more engaging and natural. This is particularly valuable for users in professional or educational settings, where they’ll have specific queries or seek specific solutions.

Personalisation in AI is also beneficial for functionality, as users will be able to retrieve the most relevant information in the quickest time possible, saving time and effort. Many people already use AI to assist with complex tasks and increased personalisation will be able to assist even more, as it will be able to suggest well-informed insights and suggestions for research, strategy and data analysis. Personalisation in AI is also a two-way street. As users engage with ChatGPT, their interactions contribute to the AI’s learning process.

Recognising that personalisation is the next step for AI is also particularly powerful for the future of education. Personalised AI is able to provide tailored learning paths and resources for different types of learners. It is able to identify gaps in the user’s knowledge and suggest appropriate materials to fill those gaps, supporting continuous learning and skill development.

The popular ed-tech app, Duolingo, is already employing the use of personalised AI for language learning on the app. The app’s new Role Play feature was developed with GPT-4 and lets users chat with in-app characters, which act like a real person with personalised responses and help the user gain XP. Once the conversation is complete, the AI reviews your responses and gives you individualised tips to improve.

Harnessing this ability to transform education, Genius Group’s edtech platform GeniusU launched its own AI Genie earlier this year. Students can name and personalize their own AI guide, which will leverage the power of artificial intelligence to guide them on personalised learning paths based on their talents, passions, purpose and personal goals.

While many schools and universities have banned the use of AI for students, I believe it should be harnessed to help students learn to utilise AI to their own advantage, otherwise, they’ll be left behind in the rise of artificial intelligence.

And it’s not just children and young adults who need to learn how to work with AI, it’s business leaders and lifelong learners too. A personalised AI system could easily provide customized market analyses and trends for CEOs, and help CEOs make informed decisions as AI can expertly access their industry, interests, and role and provide insights and risk assessments to streamline decision making.

Personalised AI products can also help with specific leadership and skill development advice. It’s not new for CEOs to seek executive coaching but personalised AI offers a way to streamline it. AI can assess CEOs’ strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development, and provide personalised advice on a global scale.  It also has the bonus of being a cost-effective coaching option.

While many of us finish our learning and education once we leave school, personalised AI also serves as a very useful tool for lifelong learners. AI has the potential to identify knowledge gaps and suggest relevant materials. Enhanced personalisation means AI can not only offer an instant information source for learners but can also offer the information in the best way possible for the learner.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, personalisation emerges as the glowing future of AI-driven interactions. An emphasis on personalisation not only offers the next logical step for ChatGPT and its potential to transform the capabilities of this cutting-edge technology but also a potential to transform learning for all.

For CEOs, personalisation in ChatGPT offers a profound shift in decision-making and leadership support. It equips them with tailored insights and data-driven recommendations in decision-making and leadership support. They have the ability to be paired with an intelligent companion that understands their industry, goals and challenges. This level of personalised AI assistance doesn’t serve as a way to replace human expertise but amplifies it, enabling CEOs to navigate the complexities of their industry with better confidence.

Simultaneously, personalised AI in ChatGPT holds immense potential for lifelong learners. It reimagines education and personal growth, offering custom-tailored learning paths, and adaptive skill enhancement. Lifelong learners can now embark on a journey of continuous improvement with a virtual guide that adapts to their unique interests and goals, making the pursuit of knowledge more engaging and efficient than ever before.

As we prepare to merge AI further with human ambition, personalisation is the bridge that propels us forward. The growth of personalisation in AI represents not just an evolution in AI but also a revolution in how we interact with and benefit from this cutting-edge technology.

Roger Hamilton


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